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What happens after 12 months….

In most cases we carryout a 12 month defect building check and have to chase our client’s for access, so when an email stating they have carried out there own checks drops into our in box it can be a bit daunting to open.

Not in this case, the ‘small’ list was only a couple of control issues with heating, lighting and water, cistern flush handle and some minor decoration touch ups. This is testament to the quality of our buildings that we manufacture, deliver and install. Our modern methods of construction (MMC) in a control factory environment ensures lasting quality, along with a fast and flexible service our team is on hand to deliver your next project.

‘Hi guys, hope you are all well. I believe we are getting close to our first anniversary. I thought this would be the perfect time to share our small snag list with yourselves.

I have to say the office has been a real success and has definitely improved the whole team’s working day, so thank you guys!

Kind regards


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